Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Tuesday.

1. The EU and UK agreed to a Brexit transition deal. The UK agreed to keep Northern Ireland signed up to EU rules in order to avoid a hard border with the Irish Republic.

2. US President Donald Trump’s lawyers provided documents to special counsel Robert Mueller. The documents outline the White House’s view of incidences related to the Russia investigation but don’t include Trump’s personal version of events.

3. A self-driving Uber car hit and killed a woman. The incident, which may be the first autonomous vehicle death, will likely ignite debate about the ethics, safety, and legal culpability of the technology.

4. Trump is expected to hit China with $60 billion in tariffs this week. Officials fear the package, which Trump plans to unveil on Friday, will spark a trade war.

5. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman will meet with Trump on Tuesday. Experts say Salman's visit will focus on changing Saudi Arabia's image in order to ease investor concerns.

6. The CEO of Cambridge Analytica was caught on tape offering to trap and blackmail politicians. The Trump-linked analytics company has been implicated in harvesting the Facebook data of 50 million users.

7. Mark Zuckerberg hasn't responded to the data crisis since dropping a press release on Friday. Facebook's shares took a hit on Monday.

8. The US banned transactions using Venezuelan cryptocurrency. The country launched the oil-backed petro in December to help Venezuela recover after the US imposed sanctions.

9. Chinese President Xi Jinping said the country will "fight the bloody battle" against enemies. Xi's speech appeared to be a response to a new US law that allows official visits between the US and Taiwan.

10. The Weinstein Company has filed for bankruptcy. Talks to sell the company fell through after the attorney general of New York filed a lawsuit against the company and Harvey Weinstein.

And finally...

Inside the rapid rise and unprecedented power grab of Saudi Arabia's millennial crown prince - who Trump is about to meet with.